March 26th at 4pm CET
Join the BGA every last Friday of each month to discover new blockchain games, products and service companies from our members. Attend the live event for a chance to win special prizes and giveaways!

BGA Demo Days go LIVE every last Friday of the month at 4pm CET.
Discover some of the most exciting Games, Products and Service Companies from our Blockchain Game Alliance members!
Prizes and Giveaways
Attend the BGA Game Demo Day LIVE & Win: NFT Airdrops & prizes will be released during the live stream event. Sign up to this event to be entitled to claim your prize!
Join the live event on YouTube or Twitter
To claim you prize, make sure to register on Eventbrite or contact us via Twitter or Email ( /
This month we are going to host a live demo of the following projects:
16:00–16:05 A word from the BGA President, Sebastien Borget
16:05–16:15 IOI Trade Race Manager
16:15–16:25 StreamingFast / dfuse
16:25–16:35 VIBEHub
16:35–16:45 Tatum
16:45–16:55 Stater
16:55–17:05 FunFair Technologies
17:05–17:15 Gala Games
17:15–17:30 QUDO
17:30–17:45 TIBA
Sign up to attend the BGA Demo Day!
About our Presenters

Trade Race Manager is a first crypto gaming & brand new blockchain game powered by $IOI and #NFTs while you can collect, trade, race & earn.

StreamingFast is a radically better infrastructure platform for Ethereum and other EVM-based blockchains. Rather than offering nodes-as-a-service, StreamingFast provides massively scalable streaming data, tailored to meet the requirements of decentralized platforms.

VIBEhub. Creating Next-Gen NFT’s and Protocols for users and developers. Built on layer 2 solution VIBENet.

Tatum. We believe blockchain is the future and developing apps on the blockchain should be as easy. To help developers, we’ve built a straightforward but powerful tool enabling developers to integrate blockchain into their apps in no time.

Stater is an open-source P2P lending platform for NFT assets.

FunFair Technologies. A multiplayer gaming experience built on xDai

Gala Games is revolutionizing gaming by turning the existing business model upside down and giving YOU ownership of your game play.

QUDO is a rewarding mechanism for games and a cryptocurrency for the gaming industry. Players are rewarded for their time playing, being able to purchase with QUDO, while games earn for being played and can hire adhering services. Everybody wins!

TIBA is the International Students Blockchain Association from Tsinghua University.
Our goal is to bridge the gap between students and the industry, between the Chinese and international communities, and to let everyone work together to realize the potential of blockchain.